Random Stuff in my Collection

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Character Sheets

 I used to make a lot of characters. I mean, a lot.

As I've said, I started in the Marvel Super Heroes RPG and I had a book called The Ultimate Powers Book, and it had (as did the core books), a random character generator in it. With that and some dice, you could generate a sometimes absolutely random nutzo character for the game.

So I did that. A lot.

I don't know if others had this, but I had a binder just full of characters that I made. Most of them, 99% probably, were characters that I'd never play or use in a game anywhere, but I just loved to make these characters.

I had character sheets for years - and this was back when photocopying was I want to say about $0.05 per page in black-and-white. Color stuff was unheard of until the late 1990's when color printing became cheaper and more economical.

So I wanted to generate a character tonight ...

Physical Form: Normal Human
Origin of Power: Energy Exposure
Fighting Typical
Agility Typical
Strength Typical
Endurance Feeble
Reason Good
Intuition Good
Psyche Poor
Health 20
Karma 19
Popularity Typical
Resources Feeble
Weakness Energy Allergy, leads to Incapacitation, Limited Duration After Contact
Powers 2/4: Energy Emission - Good Fire Generation from mouth and nose; Physical Enhancement - Poor Hyper Speed (Moves 3x faster than a normal person)

... and I'll stop there. As you can see, you get some absolutely random things from this, from severely underpowered to ridiculously overpowered, which led to making multiple characters in order to get something super cool amongst the chaff of the rest.

This tradition continued on to Champions and eventually into Silver Age Sentinels. I even continued to do this with other systems, not just superhero games - I did it for Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Paranoia, Feng Shui, and so many others. I even made characters for Robotech in the Palladium system, a system I abhor.

But, hey, that was Robotech.

I've been consumed lately with reading a new game - Prowlers & Paragons from Evil Beagle Games. It's a system that I'm really digging - handfuls of D6 dice and just enough structure to make it not a chaotic mess that is the Fate system (to me, anyway).

That's where I've been lately.

Oh, and I was vying for a promotion at work, but, alas, was not selected. It's okay, though, I still have a job I'm loving, and other opportunities will come along.

Thanks for being patient with me. Now I dive back into an Excel spreadsheet for building characters in Prowlers & Paragons: Ultimate Edition ...

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