It's another clash of the franchises when two spinoffs go head-to-head.

Colonel John Speppard from Stargate: Atlantis was an experienced and a talented US Air Force Officer in Afghanistan, though his reputation was somewhat tarnished when he disobeyed a direct order in an unsuccessful attempt to save the lives of several US servicemen. When called upon to transport Brigadier General Jack O'Neill to the research base that had been established at the nearby Ancient defense facility, he inadvertently discovered that he not only had the ATA gene (the genetic factor necessary to activate Ancient technology), but that he was naturally proficient at using it. John is one of the more laid-back, easy-going personalities on the Atlantis Expedition. He is capable under pressure, an excellent marksman, and outstanding pilot. He is very instinctual and frequently is able to come up with ingenious solutions to complicated problems. Some put this ability down to his being a closet mathematical genius, despite little scientific training (from the
Wikipedia entry).

Captain Benjamin Sisko from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was a jarring step away from the diplomacy-savvy Picard on Star Trek: The Next Generation. When he first appeared, he was in direct opposition to Picard's Locutus of Borg, and lost his wife at the Battle of Wolf 359. In 2369, Sisko is assigned to the Bajoran sector to command Deep Space Nine and to help Bajor's recovery from the recently concluded Cardassian occupation, shepherding them toward possible membership in the Federation. Sisko plays a critical role in the intrigue of the Alpha Quadrant and the ongoing Dominion War. His actions prove key in the security of Earth and the whole Alpha Quadrant. Additionally, and probably one of the coolest things he's done, he punched the cosmic entity known as "Q" being sure to remind him that he's "not Picard." Sisko isn't afraid of bending the truth or regulations to get done what needs to get done.
Captain Benjamin Sisko from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Trek ALWAYS